Friday, May 29, 2009


Ok this is pure bullshit right here ! Ozzy Osbourne filed a lawsuit against Tony Iommi today for the sabbath name ownership. So here we are again back to this bullshit. My opinion on this matter is that Ozzy is a washed up sellout who can no longer deliver. He has been done for years and now i see him in cell phone and world of warcraft commercials. Ozzy has gotten by his entire career by letting other people do his work for him. He fucked over Bob Daisley on the song writing credits on Blizzard of Ozz and had the bass re recorded in the studio by Robert Trujillo. He was once good but no longer. Tony deserves the name as he was the only member of Sabbath who has never left the group. I firmly believe that this is another scheme thrown together by Sharon and Ozzy. The two of them just can't accept the fact that Sabbath is doing well With Ronnie. They figure oh well lets earn some extra money by suing Tony for touring with Ronnie instead of Ozzy. I don't see what the hell their problems are because they are not even touring under the sabbath moniker. Sharon is a BITCH and Ozzy is now a sellout who couldn't carry a tune if you handed him a suitcase with a radio in it. I respect the early sabbath music and enjoy it but the fact remains that Ronnie is a true musician and collabarator while Ozzy is not anyone with half of a brain knows it. Anyways moving on here is a link for all of you it is Dio performing live at the beacon theater in NYC October 25th , 1983

Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 01 Intro.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 02 Stand Up And Shout.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 03 Straight Through The Heart.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 04 Shame On The Night.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 05 Children Of The Sea.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 06 Holy Diver.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 07 Drum Solo.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 08 Heaven And Hell.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 09 Guitar Solo.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 10 Heaven And Hell (Reprise).mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 11 Rainbow In The Dark.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 12 Man On The Silver Mountain.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 13 Starstruck.mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 14 Man On The Silver Mountain (Reprise).mp3
Dio (Oct 25 1983) - 15 Evil Eyes.mp3

here's the download link enjoy everyone /,,//,,/

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I Know normally this blog is meant to be dio related but i felt i had to address this copyright bullshit that has been floating around you tube lately. My you tube channel under the moniker of Diopriest has had quite a few copyright claims and i'm fucking sick of it. All of these big record companies like WMG (Warner Music Group) and Viacom are all a bunch of fucking pricks. They tend to remove videos that are no longer commercially available that they are not even making money off of so why can't we upload the materials because they are fucking pieces of shit ! They need to try to look at things in a differen't light whenever i see music on you tube i run out and buy it. You Tube is a great tool for promotion and by the companies deleting the videos from you tube they are losing more promotion which will sell more records. These mother fuckers don't think like that and all they care about is money and they are greedy bastards. I hope you people are happy for ruining you tube and taking business away from yourselves if my favorite artists werent on your companies i wouldnt give you any business fuck all of you and the horses you rode in on !!!!!!!!